Why Should You Squat?

We're not talking about a squat with weights, but simply sitting in an ass-to-grass squat.

We all have a full depth squat as a child, but it most likely won’t last into your adulthood.


Because we become desk bound, car bound, couch bound and lose our child-like ability to play and move in organic and nourishing ways.

The short of it, is that we just don’t get into this position enough, especially in western culture. 

Maintaining this range of motion (ROM) is important for hip, knee and ankle joint health, since a joint cannot remain healthy if it does not move through its full available ROM on a regular basis.

If you don't use it, you lose it!

Did you know that according to osteoarthritis statistics, countries in which people still rest and spend extended time in a full squat have the lowest incidences of osteoarthritis?

This is because squatting full depth will help build bone mineral density, which is vital for protection against fractures and osteoporosis.

It is also safer for the spine to do a full depth squat than a partial depth squat. 

This is because a partial depth squat over time will develop muscular imbalances in the hips and knees, increasing the risk of injury and pain.

Full depth squats also improve knee stability. The full depth squat allows your body to build tissue strength around the knee joint. Amazing!

The squat is a nurturing position that we should all be getting into more often. The benefits are plentiful!


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