Our Core Values

Our Core Values

Our 7 Core Values at Shoshin Movement Studio, represent who we are and what we are about. 

These values guide our approach to fitness, wellness, and community, and shape the culture of our gym.

Each value reflects a different aspect of our philosophy, but they all share a common thread: a commitment to growth, learning, and self-improvement.

We believe that by embodying these values in our daily lives, we can not only become stronger, healthier, and happier, but also inspire others to do the same.

Let's dive into our core values and see what makes Shoshin Movement Studio unique.

1. Shoshin - The Beginner’s Mindset

At Shoshin Movement Studio, we believe in approaching every training session with a fresh perspective and an open mind.

No matter how experienced we may be, we strive to maintain an attitude of eagerness and curiosity.

By embracing a beginner's mindset, we can continue to learn, grow, and improve.

2. Mindful Movement

Mindful movement is cultivating a deep mind-body connection and bringing a sense of awareness to movement so we can exercise with intention and purpose. 

We believe that by practicing mindful movement, we can prevent injury and train more efficiently; increase strength, mobility and skill at a faster rate with a deeper understanding of our bodies.

This is why we offer a progression based approach, which optimises proper form and technique with an emphasis on safety.

We approach every movement with a sense of curiosity and strive to move well. We listen to our bodies and honor our limitations, pushing ourselves to try our best with every attempt while still respecting our boundaries.

By practicing mindful movement, we can not only become stronger and more flexible, but also more present and mindful in all aspects of our lives.

3. Be a Learner

This value reflects our commitment to continuous learning and growth. 

We believe that the journey to self-improvement is never-ending, and there is always room for progress, no matter how experienced we may be.

As active learners, we take responsibility for our own development, and we hold ourselves accountable for achieving our goals. 

We seek out new challenges, seek feedback, and embrace the discomfort of stepping out of our comfort zones.

By adopting a growth mindset and cultivating a love for learning, we can unlock our full potential and achieve our wildest dreams.

4. Embrace the Journey

We know that building a strong, supple, and skillful body is not something that can be achieved overnight.

Rather than fixating on the destination, we recognise the beauty and growth in the journey itself.

We celebrate each small victory along the way, learn from our mistakes, and find joy and fulfillment in the process.

By embracing the journey, we cultivate a sense of resilience and gratitude that carries over into all aspects of our lives.

So let's enjoy the ride, have some fun along the way, and trust that with consistent effort and dedication, we'll get to where we want to go.

5. Be Playful

We take our training seriously, but that doesn't mean we can't be playful too. 

That's why our core value, Be Playful, encourages us to approach our training with a sense of curiosity, wonder and playfulness. 

By approaching exercises with a playful mindset, we not only make it more enjoyable, but also reap the benefits of play in our bodies and minds. 

Playful movement can help us develop better coordination, balance, and agility, as well as reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

So let's embrace our inner child and bring a little more joy and fun into our fitness routine.

6. No Ego

We have a no bull**** approach at our studio.

Our core value, No Ego, reminds us to leave our pride and insecurities at the door and approach our training with humility and respect.

We don't care how much weight you can lift or how many reps you can do; we’re all just here to improve ourselves and have a good time doing it.

We don't compare ourselves to others or judge ourselves based on someone else's standards.

We focus on our own journey, our own progress, and our own goals.

By embracing a no ego approach, we create a supportive and welcoming environment where everyone can feel comfortable, empowered, and inspired.

So let's leave our egos behind, and instead, challenge ourselves, and cheer each other on as we strive towards our best selves.

7. Our Tribe

We believe that fitness is not just about individual achievement, but also about building a community of like-minded individuals who support and inspire each other.

We recognise that we all come from different backgrounds and walks of life, but when we step through the doors, we become a family.

We support each other, encourage each other, and celebrate every victory, big or small.

By cultivating a sense of community, we not only make our classes more enjoyable and motivating but also create a space where we can find friendship, camaraderie, and belonging.

We embrace our tribe, show up for each other, and create a culture of kindness and inclusivity that extends beyond the gym walls.


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